Academic results and university destinations

From Virtus to the world.


This year’s results continue to build on the positive trend of top international university destinations which we have seen over the last few years. 

Pleasingly, 100% of our students secured their first or second destination choice of which 60% are in the Times 100 World ranking with the remaining 40% featuring in The Times 200 World ranking. 

The UK remains the destination of choice for most of our students. Over the last few years the most popular universities have been Russell Group universities such as UCL, University of Edinburgh, University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Exeter and University of Warwick. We are delighted that our students are able to seamlessly access such high quality institutions and continue our British heritage.

Interestingly, recent years have also seen a growth of universities in the Netherlands as a destination of choice, as a reflection of post Brexit strategies. Prestigious destinations such as the University of Groningen, famous for their Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016, and Erasmus Rotterdam which offers a genuine global and international outlook are both featuring regularly in our students’ top choices. 

Moreover, the additional emerging trend illustrates that some students choose to successfully pursue university courses within Spain with Engineering and Business degrees at IE University, amongst others, as their top choice. 

This success reflects our approach to invest in each student as a unique individual; fostering and nurturing their personal and professional development in a holistic manner which both challenges and supports them in their aspirations and future success.

Graduating class of 2022-23

We are very proud of this year’s cohort, whose grades were strong despite a tightening of grade boundaries post pandemic. 

As can be seen below, 60% of students achieved A*/A in their subjects; unlocking fantastic opportunities for their next steps in education. Overwhelmingly, students still secured A-Level grades beyond their expected grades which in itself is a great achievement.

It is this particular measure as a Key Performance Indicator we are so proud of as it reflects the journey each student embarked on and the impact of the holistic and wrap-around support we provide. 

We were delighted to see many students from this year’s group securing top grades such as straight AAA grades and a place at their dream universities like St. Andrews, together with other top Russell Group universities in the UK such as University of Manchester and University of Warwick. 

Congratulations to our wonderful students for doing so well!

What is unique about Virtus?

A holistic and personalised
approach to education
with aspirations

track record of students

Students reaching
the best universities

in the world.

A truly British experience of education with community, discipline, structure, challenge and support.

Highly educated and experienced workforce with teachers from the best universities including Oxford and Cambridge.

Outstanding pastoral
care and support
with a mentor
for each student.

Results for the class of 2022-2023

First and second choice university
0 %
Students achieved A*-A grades
0 %
Students achieved A*-A Mathematics
0 %
Students achieved A*-A English
0 %

Grade variance: class of 2022-2023

Up two grades
0 %
Up one grade
0 %
Kept their grade
0 %
Dropped one grade
0 %

Results in previous years

Understanding the importance of Grade Variance

At Virtus, The British Sixth Form College, we monitor students’ progress from the start of Year 12. In order to carefully track their development, students are put on ‘Flight Paths’ which map out their expected progress from their IGCSEs and help to indicate the minimum expected A-Level grade they should achieve when they reach the end of Year 13. This informs our strategy for challenging and supporting students to exceed their potential as we value the growth of each student most.

What is a Flight Path?

It is an estimate of the range of A-Level grades a student should be working towards for the end of Key Stage 5 (Year 13) which is when they sit their final International A-Level examinations.

How do we calculate
the Grade Variance in our data?

This is determined by our Assessment Team using Flight Path data as well as a variety of factors including CAT-4 exam results, internal exams and mock examinations. A statistical analysis of the difference between the minimum expected results and final results is then undertaken to ascertain the final Grade Variance per student and subject. For Virtus, this measure of individual students’ growth beyond expectations is the best indicator of the success of our provision and the difference we make in young peoples’ lives.

University Destinations






