Fees and scholarships
Our fees are divided into 3 main concepts: tuition fees, school lunch and additional fees.
The DRIVE Scholarship rewards both academic achievement as well as outstanding achievements outside of academics.
School fees
All school fees are displayed in the tables below and classified into three main categories: tuition fees, school lunch and additional fees. Tuition is paid annually before the beginning of the academic year or in three equal instalments before the start of each term.
Registration is only formalised via the enrolment fee and this must be paid within ten days of receiving a positive reply from the admissions team.

Tuition fees
Year 12
Tuition: 23,500€*
Year 13
Tuition: 23,500€
**As part of the Enrolment Fee, there is an Advance Payment that will be deducted from the first invoice of the Year 12 tuition.
Besides A-Level tuition and our Mentoring Programme, our fees include extensive enrichment and support including, but not limited to, co-curricular options, supported clinics, thorough preparation of worldwide university admissions tests, and IELTS preparation.
Enrolment fee 5000€
Registration: 3,500€
(Covers the purchase of the iPad, Apple Pencil and Apple Keyboard, which become property of the student. It includes all textbooks and all teaching materials, uniform and educational licences and software for the two academic years).
Advance Payment of Year 12 tuition: 1,500€
School lunch
First term
Second term
Third term
The school lunch costs are divided by term and the exact amount may vary according to the length of the term.
Students allowed on study leave during the third term will only pay for the days they are at school, with a daily cost of lunch of 9,2€ (VAT included).
Additional fees
The price depends on the number of items purchased. The uniform consists of: polo, trousers, sweatshirt, sports t-shirt, sports shorts and long sports trousers.
School bus
There is a two-way school bus from Plaza Castilla. The school bus is paid per term. For transport from other locations, please consult with the admissions department.
Examination fees
Virtus students sit A-Level exams from the Edexcel and Cambridge examination boards. The price of each exam (paper) is €150.
If a student needs to sit exams from different examination boards, the price will depend on the cost registration at the time.
Application fee
Our admissions process involves, amongst others, meetings with parents and students, vocational tests, reports and permanent academic advice. The cost of applying to Virtus is 200€.
Medical insurance
Provides coverage for accidents that occur while the child is at school.
School trips
The costs of any school trip lasting at least one night will be charged. These will vary depending on the trip itself.
and scholarships
for all families with
two or more children enrolled in Virtus.
DRIVE scholarships
At Virtus, we promote our DRIVE values amongst all of our students: Discipline, Resilience, Integrity, Vision, Enthusiasm. The DRIVE Scholarship rewards both academic achievement as well as outstanding achievements outside of academics. The scholarship seeks to promote an enriching contribution to our community by facilitating the study of A-Levels at our school.
The award of the scholarship implies a 15% reduction of the tuition costs throughout the two years and is conceded to two students at the start of Year 12. Please contact our Admissions department for more information.