Co-Curriculum rationale

A Co-Curriculum designed to develop competency and confidence.

The future begins here

Universities increasingly look for students with well-rounded profiles to secure a place on their courses. The Co-Curriculum is one of the main tools used to equip our students with competencies related to their degree of choice and the skills that enable them to face the challenges of the 21st century. 

Our Co-Curriculum offer therefore comprises a wide range of options, aligned with career pathways, in order to strengthen students’ university applications. The Co-Curriculum is the cornerstone for equipping our students with transferable skills, such as critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and public speaking.  It also offers a global outlook and a broader knowledge of their academic and professional interests.

At Virtus, the Co-Curriculum Programme offer revolves around the Gate-to-Gate Model: “from the gate of the school to the gate of the university”. It is the main pillar in providing the necessary enrichment that yields competitive profiles for universities. For example, some co-curricular options involve formal qualifications which enable students to add academic strands to their CV, while others help them develop their research skills, communication skills and confidence in public speaking.

The Co-Curriculum has two main branches: on the one hand, the co-curricular options are a fundamental piece of our pre-university approach, providing students with specific skills and knowledge highly valued by universities to delve into an academic field of their interest. On the other hand, the Stage Space is a programme based on the participation of students in formal debates (around cultural and current issues) and the performing arts and theatre.

“The Co-Curriculum is the cornerstone for equipping our students with transversal skills that allow them to face the challenges of the 21st century.”